


Release Date


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3.72 MB



Autodesk Revit

2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020

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Version History

Version Number Version Date Version Description
25.1.1 Feb-26-2025 - Added a new When Editing option: "Push update to entire run." Defined an "entire run" as a continuous path of single runs connected by specific fitting types (CAP, OFFSET (if applicable), TRANSITION, and UNION). Any other type of fitting divides it into separate runs. - Added the Entire Run option to the Match Parameters and Cleanup Parameters tools. - Added tooltips to clarify the definitions of single run, entire run, and all connected elements.
25.0.1 Dec-12-2024 - Added support for dark theme Ribbon icons (Revit 2024 and later). - Added "Shift+Click" functionality to the "Match Parameter Settings" to pull data from a Revit link element.
25.0.0 May-14-2024 - Added support for Revit 2025. - Dropped support for Revit 2019. - Version now matches the latest Revit version supported. IMPROVEMENTS: - Added "Shift+Click" functionality to match parameters and pull the equipment name from a Revit link element. RESOLVED ISSUES: - Applied a fix to attempt to resolve a rare issue with corrupted settings files. - Various other fixes for an improved user experience.
3.6.0 Aug-4-2023 This update addresses a reported issue that occurred when splitting conduits connected to devices such as electrical fixtures or fittings. In the past, when an element was split, data was obtained from the first connected element found, which could have been a device rather than the element being split. To resolve this issue, Data Ctrl has been updated to prioritize MEP curve elements (conduits and cable trays) as the primary source of information when a new element is added.
3.5.0 Jul-6-2023 - Data Ctrl now utilizes a new User Interface (UI) technology, improving support for high-resolution screens and Windows 11. This transition maintains the original design, while incorporating enhancements for a more user-friendly experience. - A settings dialog has been added to the Match Parameters tool (Match and Modify Settings), offering more control and customization options.
3.1.1 Apr-27-2023 - Added support for Autodesk® Revit® 2024 - When Editing: empty values will no longer be pushed to elements in a run. This update helps prevent the accidental deletion of valuable information within elements.
3.0.0 Jan-19-2023 NEW FEATURES: - Equipment From: Copy equipment name from an equipment element to Conduits and/or Cable Trays "From" parameter. - Equipment To: Copy equipment name from an equipment element to Conduits and/or Cable Trays "To" parameter.
2.6.1 Jul-7-2022 Resolved an issue that caused When Editing feature to be triggered when using Match or Cleanup Parameters.
2.6.0 Jun-15-2022 NEW FEATURE - Parameter Mapping: Map a system parameter from conduits or cable trays to a run element shared parameter, then this can be used in run schedules. BUG FIXES - Fixed an issue with the Quick Update dialog that cause the app to crash Autodesk® Revit® in some instances. REMOVED NETWORK PARAMETER SETTINGS This was rarely used and could cause issues when users are using different versions of the app. IMPROVEMENTS - Parameters and general settings are now in separated dialogs.
2.5.3 May-6-2022 NOTE: Updating from a version lower than 2.5.0 will reset all selected parameters due to a change in Autodesk® Revit® 2023 API. - Minor fix.
2.5.0 Apr-20-2022 NOTE: Due to a change in Autodesk® Revit® API, this update will reset all selected parameters. - Dropped support for Revit 2018 - Added support for Revit 2023 - Changed parameter settings to support current and future Revit versions.
2.0.1 Nov-18-2021 Fixed an issue with When Editing DropDown being read-only in rare cases.
2.0.0 Nov-16-2021 BIGGEST UPDATE YET. NEW FEATURES: -> Added When Editing feature: When editing individual elements in a run, Data Ctrl will push updated parameter values to all connected elements or single run to maintain consistent information in the schedules. -> Added Auto-Update setting per parameter. -> Added setting for parameters to use in the Match Parameters tool. -> Full Workset support: Auto-Update and When Editing. -> In app notifications for updates and license information. IMPROVEMENTS: -> Redesigned the entire Auto-Update and Quick Update functionalities for best performance. -> Export Schedule tool no longer depends on Microsoft® Excel®. It can export schedules to Excel file(s) even if Excel isn’t installed. RESOLVED ISSUES: -> Minor fix for Autodesk® Revit® not English versions.
1.6.0 Sep-25-2021 Fixed a major issue where some tools wouldn't work in Autodesk® Revit® not English versions.
1.5.2 Aug-4-2021 - Added Export Schedule tool. -Minor Fix
1.4.0 May-10-2021 - Added Support for Autodesk® Revit® 2022. - Minor Fix.
1.3.1 Sep-30-2020 - Improved Cleanup Parameters. - Fixed Match Parameters elements selection. - Fixed some parameters not showing in the available box.
1.0.0 Aug-15-2020 Initial release.
1.1.0 May-10-2020 - Minor Fix